How to Spot Recruitment Scams
By: Aiden Wynn
By: Aiden Wynn
Scammers are unlawfully claiming to be Advocate recruiters and sending fake job ads over WhatsApp and text. This is employment fraud.
Employment fraud refers to any dishonest or deceptive activity related to the recruitment, hiring, or employment process that is intended to deceive or defraud job seekers, employees, or employers for financial gain or other illicit purposes.
Unfortunately, these scams are becoming increasingly common, so it’s important to be vigilant.
At The Advocate Group, we never send unsolicited WhatsApp or text messages to people we don’t know.
If someone you don’t recognise claims to represent The Advocate Group, please report the scam to Action Fraud.
Here are some other signs the message you’ve received is a scam:
Be cautious of offers that seem unrealistic, too generous, or come out of nowhere – they may be designed to lure job seekers into a scam.
Trust your instincts: if something doesn’t seem right about the message, stop replying.
If you suspect a scammer is using The Advocate Group’s information to obtain personal information or payment, please follow the below steps:
Remember: The Advocate Group do not make first contact with jobseekers or request applications, sensitive information, or payments over text or instant messaging services.
Action Fraud – Recruitment Scams:
Ofcom – How to report scam texts and mobile calls:
WhatsApp – How to block and report contacts:
We’re looking for talented recruiters at all levels – get in touch to find out more.